06 November, 2013

Day 2

Wake up with a sore after-cramp leg. This reminded me of that conversation and that remark made. I wonder, how heart warming if it really occurs. Every remarks are paste in my mind. Subconsciously. And my day turn really rough. 

Tried filing up my time with work. Having my phone away from sight. But when I'm down alone, it all floods me. Receiving endless support from dearest people around me but that hole, is too hollow to fill. But time will. I believe. 

Told my sister of my plan. Although its not a brilliant idea and its painful as it is, I want to paint these promises with my own palette. I got to put on a facade. Or my loved one will be brood. How long more to go. This pathway that no one can be of assistance. Only myself and courage. And strength. 

I'm glad, there are still things and happens that excite me. At least for that transitory.


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