05 May, 2008

1/5-ly Relieved....

Lets count down...

one down and four to go....

Sigh.... LMS is a total crap....
I screw my section C. Thank god it's only 30 mark and my assignment got 13, or else I'll die.

Contract tomorrow. 

p/s: Thanks Mr Ice for your support. I'll return your support when it's your turn. :D

Dear Mr Kenny Lim,

Thanks for your time. I know I'm very mah fan, keep bugging you and ask stupid question where I can get the answer from elearning. Sorry lar.... Don't block me okay.... (I seriously think he blocked me. He had not go online as often as he used to)

Your dear class-mate who you might hate(I think so).

Dear Kenny Ng,

BUDDY!!!!! You owe me a lunch ya.... Please don't forget 14th March 2008 12noon!!!!!

Your dear friend who are so desperate to see you. (I sound so wrong)

Lastly, I would like to do a shout out, EXAM AR!!!!! WHY AM I STILL CHILLING AND ACT AS IF NOTHING HAPPENING???!!!!!

Nichole @ Lai Yin

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