01 March, 2009

Invitation to my Dinner Party

Fellow friends,

I'll be having a birthday dinner on the 14th March at Mid Valley's Chili's.

This dinner 'party' will not be as big as last year's (too bad for those who missed it). It is going to be a normal dinner with no fireworks, no string quartet and no special invitation cards. 

However, birthday presents are not necessary as you will have to pay for your own dinner bill (I am very broke lately).

If, you insist on getting something which I've given hint on, please please please get more people to chip in because I do understand the price of the bloody ticket (I want the best seat okay!!!!). Further, also make sure no one get me the same gift as I believe having 2 ticket for the same event will be a waste. 

I hereby invite you all to drop by and spend the evening with me as I celebrate my 21st birthday. 

And do reply regardless of you coming or not because I will need to do reservation. 

Hope to hear from you soon!!


ps: Justin, please turn up as barney and sing me the barney song!!!! And, thanks bro jun!!! You made me make up my mind and decide to have this dinner thing.

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