07 February, 2010

Choir Practice

Fact of the Day:
Atlanta makes it against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.

Yes I'm in the choir group for Aberystwyth MNight 2010.
And yes I can sing!! Well, may be not a very good singer but hey, I can sing alright!

The very first practice. Is a total mess.
We're performing 3 songs.

First song, One Malaysia by AMP all stars.

Nice song huh. But when it come to us, we did even better.
We can all sing so well in verse 1 and chorus. And we screw up the tamil and chinese part.
So call chinese and indian people. Well done man. Now I regret not do well in my chinese paper. Not really true. Ehehehehheheh....

Second song, Sejahtera Malaysia, the Malaysia's patriotic song.

Remember listening to this song everyday after TV2 evening news. It kinda annoys me to some point at times. However, this time, I am going to freaking sing it, and it definitely feel different. This is a very high key song. And half of the girls can't sing to the key. AND I CAN FREAKING SING TO THAT KEY!!! Of course the first few try I kinda break the key, until I found a way to sing to that key. WoooHoooo....

Third and the most important song, Negaraku. Malaysia's national anthem.

Well, this song, every Malaysian been singing it for more than a million times. Every Malaysian should know how to sing. However, the very 'patriotic' me, kinda forgot the lyrics. Screwed up the song for the first few times and thankfully no one realize it.

All and all, the practice went well.
Can't wait for the next practice.


p/s: the first and 2nd song been haunting me since then. Been listening to it and my brain keeps playing it.

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