04 January, 2010

London Day 2: Walking under the Rain and Snow

Quote of the Day:
Life is what happened to you while you're busy making other plans.- John Lennon in 'Beautiful boy'.
Brandon (Sarah's boyfriend), Ramjit and Jessica join us as we start our day around 12noon. However, Ramjit and Jessica decide to sleep in till evening. 

We decide to go for Malaysian food in Malaysian Hall at Bayswater instead the one opposite our house. While waiting for the train, we found brilliant and interesting billboard.

And the train takes forever to arrive...

So we start doing all kind of weird stuff like, re-reading the route map...
Focusing on the train instead of me....
Prank photos....
And taking photos of more brilliant advert.
After the disappointing (sold out of nasi lemak) but yet happy (had Malaysian food) lunch, Sarah and Brandon went back to rest (Brandon just arrive UK from Malaysia) as the rest of us walk around the Oxford Street. While we're walking, it suddenly rain+snow... HEAVILY!!!

And it annoy the hell out of me. Either snow or rain. Not both!!!
But it ends about an hour or 2 later. As we walk all the way to Leicester Square.

And all the way to China Town for dinner.

Yes, we're having chinese dinner. We had roast duck, char-siew and siew-yok!!! Yumm... It's even yummier than KL's.

After dinner, we're all full and satisfy. 
And we join Sarah back home for another episode of Family Guy and Top Gear. 


*courtesy to Lai for the photos.

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