16 December, 2009

Christmas Dinner @ Varsity

Quote of the Day:
Everybody is somebody's weirdo.

It is the time of the year where every kids sitting by the chimney waiting for Santa to send them their gift; Where adult busy writing their list of gifts; Where lover kiss under the mistletoe.

It is also the time where everyone spread their love and forgive other's mistake; time where peace and harmony creep in everyone's home.

Although this is the first time I spend my christmas in a proper winter time, but this is not my first traditional Christmas dinner. However, I am still very excited about it. 

It took me hours to prepare and I though I am the only person who are couture-ly late. Well, like they always says, you can never change a person's blood completely. Being late is always in fellow Malaysian's blood. I am NOT the latEST one.

Seeing fellow mates dress to impress, it is indeed very impressive. However, someone seriously need to play barbie. *wink wink* You know what I mean don't you.

What's an event when there is no cam-whore session?

MNight chairperson, Lienni and I.

MNight emcee, Oliver and I
Kenny and I
MSA secretary, Syateer and his goodie from the christmas cracker. 
My starter. Look ugly but yummy!!

Kenny's starter, Melon salad.
Turkey meal.
Ambiga (guest from Cardiff), Sarah, Kenny and I
MSA president, Alyshea, Lienni, Nishant, Syaiful and I
MSA committee, KaiPeng, KangLiang, Syaiful and I

MSA vice president, Melissa and I
Sarah and Syateer
The candid photo 
Crystle, Geetah, Agal, Hannah Banana and I

Ms Jaspal and I

Syaiful and I
MNight vice chairperson, Sabrina, Crystle and I

My lemon tart.
Brownies and vanila ice cream

Yucky christmas pudding.

Guest from Cardiff, Dhaya and I

Best picture of the day!!!

The dinner ends with christmas charade and laughter. 
Although it may still be early, but I would like to say, MERRY CHRISTMAS.
May fellow readers have a holiday filled with lots of love, peace and harmony.

Lots and lots of Love,

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